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Our Governors


The Governors of the school are like a Board of Directors. They oversee what the school does and makes sure that it is working effectively and meet at least twice a term at school.

Parents can contact the Chair of Governors directly by leaving a message at the school.

Governors are appointed to support the school and ask questions about how it is working.

In addition they…

  • Monitor standards of teaching and learning
  • Interview and select staff
  • Decide how the school budget is spent
  • Look after the school building
  • Help the school contribute to the community
  • Review the head teacher’s performance

School governors have legal duties, powers and responsibilities. They act together for the good of the school, but cannot act individually.

The structure of the Geoffrey Field Junior School Governing Body is:

  • 2 parent governors
  • 1 Local Authority governor
  • 1 staff governor
  • 1 Headteacher
  • 6 co-opted governors
Name Type Date of Appointment Roles
Emma Berry Staff TBC


Tabitha Kirby Co-opted 30/09/24

Safeguarding Link, Pay Appeals Panel (backup), Pay Committee, HTPM

Liz Kenrick Local Authority 30/09/24

Pupil Premium Link, Pay Committee, HTPM

Rebecca Brown Head  

Head Teacher

Sophie Appleby  Co-opted  18/01/2021 Vice Chair, Safeguarding Link, ECT Link, Pay Appeals Panel
Dave Marks Associate  

Deputy Head

Anthony Egan Co-opted 06/02/2023

Chair, Finance committee, Pupil Outcomes Link, Compliance Link, Pay Committee, HTPM 

Karolina Polak Parent 30/09/2024

Compliance Link, Finance Committee

Abdurrahman Adebiyi Parent 09/10/2023 Finance Committee
Alex Cobb Co-opted 15/04/2024 Pupil Premium link, Finance Link, Finance Committee















The governing body can also invite people to be associate members if specific additional skills and expertise are needed. Associate governors play a full part in meetings but have limited voting rights.

The governing body is organised into smaller committees which meet separately from, and report back to, the full governing body. There are currently two permanent committees:

  1. Finance Committee
  2. Pay and Performance Review Committee

Additional committees can be formed as needed for Pupil Discipline, Hearings, and Appeals. The Chair of Governors calls these meetings when they are needed and will nominate appropriate members of the governing body to take part.

The governing board of Geoffrey Field Junior School actively seeks to be diverse. We collect diversity data from our governors however, due to the small size of the governing board and to protect governor’s privacy, this information is not published on the school website but is available by request. Please email the clerk to the governing body for assistance if you have any queries –


Alex Cobb

Name Alex Cobb
Type of Appointment Co-opted
Appointing Body Governing Body
Date of Appointment 15/04/2024
Term of Office 4 years

Finance Committee

Positions of Responsibility

Chair of the Finance Committee

Relevant Business/Pecuniary Interests Waingels College
Governance Roles in other schools N/A
Governor/school staff relationship N/A
Attendance at Meetings

FGB: 1/1

Finance: 1/1

Stepped Down

Liz Kenrick

Name Liz Kenrick
Type of Appointment Local Authority (TBC)
Appointing Body Governing Body
Date of Appointment 30/09/2024
Term of Office 4 years

Pay Committee, HTPM

Positions of Responsibility

Pupil Premium Link

Relevant Business/Pecuniary Interests


Governance Roles in other schools


Governor/school staff relationship  
Attendance at Meetings

FGB: 1/1

Pay: 1/1

Stepped Down

Tabitha Kirby

Name Tabitha Kirby
Type of Appointment Co-opted
Appointing Body Governing Board
Date of Appointment 30/09/2024
Term of Office 4 years
Committees Pay Committee, HTPM, Pay Appeals (back-up)
Positions of Responsibility

Safeguarding Link

Relevant Business/Pecuniary Interests Kirby Consultant
Governance roles in other schools N/A
Governor/school staff relationship N/A
Attendance at Meetings

FGB: 1/1

Pay: 1/1

Stepped Down

Sophie Appleby

Name Sophie Appleby
Type of Appointment Co-opted
Appointing Body Governing Board
Date of Appointment 18/01/2021
Term of Office 4 years
Committees Pay Appeals
Positions of Responsibility

Vice Chair

Safeguarding Link

ECT Link

Relevant Business/Pecuniary Interests St George’s School, Ascot
Governance roles in other schools none
Governor/school staff relationship none
Attendance at Meetings

FGB: 1/1


Stepped Down

Abdurrahman Adebiyi    

Name Abdurrahman Adebiyi    
Type of Appointment Parent
Appointing Body Governing Board
Date of Appointment 09/10/2023
Term of Office 4 years
Committees Finance
Positions of Responsibility none
Relevant Business/Pecuniary Interests none
Governance roles in other schools none
Governor/school staff relationship none
Attendance at Meetings

FGB: 1/1

Stepped Down

Anthony Egan

Name Anthony Egan
Type of Appointment Co-opted
Appointing Body Governing Board
Date of Appointment 03/02/2023
Term of Office 4 years
Committees Finance, Pay, HTPM
Positions of Responsibility

Interim Chair

Pupil Outcomes Link

Compliance Link

Relevant Business/Pecuniary Interests none
Governance roles in other schools none
Governor/school staff relationship none
Attendance at Meetings

FGB: 1/1

Finance: 1/1

Pay: 1/1

Stepped Down

Karolina Polak

Name Karolina Polak
Type of Appointment Parent Governor
Appointing Body Governing Board
Date of Appointment 30/09/2024
Term of Office 4 years
Committees Finance Committee
Positions of Responsibility



Relevant Business/Pecuniary Interests none
Governance Roles in other schools none
Governor/school staff relationship none
Attendance at Meetings

FGB: 1/1

Finance: 1/1

Stepped Down

School governors are…

  • Parents
  • Teachers and other staff at the school
  • Local council representatives
  • Representatives from the community or industry
  • The head teacher

Parent governors…

  • Have a child at the school
  • Are elected by parents of the school
  • Serve, as do other governors, for four years

Parent governors bring the views of parents to the governing body but are not delegates of the parents. If you would like to be a parent governor, please ask the head teacher or the school secretary for details.

Our clerk is Nicola Toomey


The following are governors who have served within the past 12 months:

Full Name Date of Appointment Term of Office Date Stepped Down Appointing Body Attendance Record
Katia Major 16/02/2022 15/02/2026 24/07/2024 Governing Body FGB:4/4 Finance:1/3
Claire Herriott 26/06/2020 25/06/2024 25/06/2024 Governing Body FGB:3/4 Finance:3/3
Alison O'Donovan-Troth 06/02/2023 05/02/2027 31/08/2024 Elected by Parents FGB:3/4
John Fox 19/03/2022 18/03/2026 29/03/2024 Elected by Staff FGB:2/2 Finance:1/1
Khadijat Abolarinwa 18/01/2021 17/01/2025 31/12/2023 Governing Body FGB:1/1 Finance: 1/1