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Parents' Wellbeing


GFJS Pastoral & Family Worker, offer support for parents/Carers and also provides support, advice and information to the families within our school community. We know that sometimes life can be challenging and chaotic and this can affect children and the wider family.

Our Family Worker is a great listener! They can help with any worries that parents/carers may have in relation to their child’s well-being, education, attendance and behaviour. They can also help signpost families to other specialist services.

Our family worker works Monday – Thursday and is on the Y3 & Y6 entrance in the mornings and the Y4 & Y5 entrance at the end of the school day for parents to chat to. Alternatively, parents/carers can phone the school to make an appointment to have a meeting.

Advice and support is confidential although concerns relating to the safeguarding of children will always be dealt with in accordance with the school’s Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy.

Support for families includes:

  • Providing advice and support for families when they may need a helping hand or someone to talk through issues with
  • Providing information and signposting to other services in the local area
  • Supporting families to ensure good attendance and punctuality for their child
  • Liaising with a range of external services such as housing, school nursing service, bereavement counselling and social care
  • Helping to book parent consultations and HAF holiday provision
  • Assistance in completing paperwork and forms e.g. housing, school places and benefits
  • Advice and support in promoting positive behaviour at home

Our Family worker also organises workshops and drop in surgeries related to:

  • Specific issues that parents often face with children at home such as bed wetting, anxiety, on-line safety
  • SEND such as Autism and ADHD
  • Issues that may be affecting families such as debt and housing issues
  • Career and personal development training for parents/carers

Family workers may not have all the answers, but will help you to work out how to find them!

You can contact the school over the phone (01189375475) or via the admin email address (


Advice on talking to your
children about COVID-19
and the worries they may

Partnership for Children

Advice and practical
ideas to boost your
child’s wellbeing
during lockdown

NHS inform

A self-help guide from
NHS Scotland for adults
anxiety that uses
cognitive behavioural
therapy (CBT).


Advice and guidance for
parents on spotting and
helping manage anxiety
in children.

shout 85258 

Shout 85258 is a 24/7 UK
text messaging service
for times when people
feel they need
immediate support.

Anna Freud 

Advice and guidance for
parents and carers to
help them support a child
or young person
experiencing poor
mental health or


Advice and support from
the national charity Mind
for parents on helping
children deal with the
mental impact of


Advice for parents on
dealing with child anger
and aggression.


Commissioned by
Reading Borough Council,
Compass Recovery
College provides support
to adults affected by
mental ill health.

NHS Mental Health Support

A directory of support
available for a range of
mental health and other
issues that can affect
family wellbeing

Anxiety UK

A charity providing support
if you have been diagnosed
with an anxiety condition.
Tel: 03444 775 774
Mon – Fri 8.30am – 5.30pm

Talking Therapies
If you are registered with
a Berkshire GP and over
17 you can refer yourself
for Talking Therapies
support with
stress, anxiety or

Additional Pastoral; Mental Health Support for Children

Sometimes children may be finding situations at home or school more challenging than usual. When this happens, we offer a range of direct support for children. We can also support parents to access external professional support where this is needed.

Year Group Pastoral Workers (ELSAs)

In school we have a trained pastoral worker working with each year group (ELSAs). They work with children individually or in small groups over a series of sessions to help them better understand their emotions and to help them cope with situations that may be causing them difficulties, upset or

Support for pupils includes:

  • Promoting self-esteem and confidence
  • Developing resilience
  • Promoting positive behaviour and positive relationships
  • Helping with anxiety
  • Supporting pupils through a challenging home situation
  • Supporting pupils who have a family member that is ill, in hospital or in prison
  • Supporting pupils who have lost a loved one or pet
  • Supporting pupils with transition
Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

Where children need a higher level of well-being support than our pastoral team can provide, we work with Bright Futures for Children Mental Health Support Team to help children receive specialist support.

We have a MHST worker attached to our school and they provide group and 1:1 support in school for identified children.

We can also refer to the MHST triage team to help get children and families the right support.

Mental Health Support Team